About Us

Hi! We’re a husband-and-wife team who leads a CO-based business that develops and distributes educational resources and games.
We’re also parents. And in 2022, as parents to an 8, 5 and 1 year old, we noticed a lack of innovation in toys for kids.
We weren’t interested in buying licensed products or what we call “landfill” toys. These are toys that don’t stand the test of time or kids! Parents like us want more modern and sophisticated play ideas.
We wanted better toys for our kids.
So we created SPARK & WOW to reimagine toys. Our goal is to help little ones build life skills through play!
Now, we create our own high-quality toys that inspire kids to play. Our toys promote child-directed sensory awareness, exploration and mindfulness. These play concepts help to build their confidence, nurture curiosity and establish a sense of self.
We hope you and your kids love our toys just as much as we do.